Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Purchases

It's been awhile on posting again, life just gets so busy to keep up with two blogs. lol

I thought i'd update everyone on a few new things in our life. Baby Isaac is due in 3 days but hasn't made his presence just yet so we've just been waiting on him. We are so excited and ready to meet this little guy.

At the end of April we made our first BIG purchase a new car (or new to us)! It's a Mazda Protege 2001 for a pretty darn good deal. I've loved the car and we've given it the name Penny. I will put a picture below.

Tonight we will be putting an offer on a house in Tooele that we've toured. It's all exciting and a little scary. It has a BEAUTIFUL yard, a shed, a garage, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, a decent size kitchen and living room. And of course it's a street away from my parents which is nice because if they accept our offer we will be close enough to stay at my parents for a little bit while we fix a few things in the house. There are a few cons but not big enough to say no to the house.

We have so much packed up in our apartment, it looks so empty but it's exciting how close we are to finally be done and moved on to the new stage in our lives. The nursery is put together as much as it can be at my parents, I haven't taken any pictures of it though so you will just have to imagine it lol

20 more days until our 2nd Anniversary =]

Beginning of 9 months

Our car Penny (not a great picture)

One of our maternity photos, we can't wait!!

This is the front of the huose we are putting an offer on =]

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Massive update

Okay so this is all going to be from Holly and just want to catch up our blog then we will start posting either weekly or monthly whatever works best for us.

June 2012- Our One Year Anniversary! We went to Park City Silver King Hotel. It was a massive room with a hot tub, washer & dryer, two bathrooms, a big bed, nice kitchen, and living room! I also dyed my hair reddish this month.

July 2012- I am constantly watching Disney Shows, they are clean and I find them entertaining! I also took my friend Quincy's wedding photos. Nephew # 4, Mason was born

August 2012- We got our own insurance finally and it is pretty good insurance I think. Spencer got a promotion what a great man! Nephew # 5, Lucas was born! Our car was broken into (no broken windows) and nothing was stolen since I don't leave anything valuable in there but either way it was kind of scary in my opinion. We flew to Chicago to see our friend Steve Salisbury and rented a car to drive to Iowa to see some of my Aunts/Uncles, cousins & Grandparents it was a wonderful trip.

September 2012- We were back in Chicago and got to try Segways which were really fun, go on a nice walk, see The Bean, and go to the top of Sears Tower! It was a wonderful and much needed trip, sadly I did get an infection which had me indoors for part of the trip until I was better. We're having a baby!! I was very shocked to see 2 lines on the pregnancy test that I cried and then told Spencer the great news! We are very excited for this new stage in our lives. Our baby is due June 1st 2013. Later that month we went to Bryce Canyon with his parents for a weekend. 

October 2012- I didn't have us doing much this month

November 2012- We went to California for Thanksgiving and got to see our new nephews. We had a lot of fun as always with the family.

December 2012- Niece # 1, Jade was born this month! 

January 2013- We're having a boy! his name will be Isaac Charles Peacock aka Squirt =] We have decided to do Cloth Diapers so we've been slowly added more to our pile. 

February 2013- We gave a talk in church and got to meet Elder Dallin H. Oaks, crazy! Spencer turned the big 25! And I took some photography classes over a course of 4 Monday's. I passed the Glucose test!

March 2013- Spencer got me a tablet for my birthday! We got our Travel System car seat & stroller! We took our Hypnobirthing classes and learned a lot. Spencer got another promotion and we are forever grateful! I had my Salt Lake City Baby Shower, loads of fun! I turned the big 22! We got our baby crib! We got our maternity pictures taken by my friend Laura, they aren't done being edited yet but soon! 

April 2013- Spencer finished up another school semester, one more class left to take at LDS Business College. I'm in Month 8 of my pregnancy and all has gone very well, it's getting closer. 

There are probably a few things I've missed but I can't remember everything so sorry if I forgot something. Also I could put pictures but there would probably be too many so if you need to see them their on my blog

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Celtic Women

Welcome to Spring!

For those of you who don’t know both Holly and I are pretty big Disney fans. We have quite a few movies and have watched many of the TV shows. We decided to join the Disney Movie Rewards program, basically because the overall price isn’t too bad and occasionally you can get good deals. Also they have the movie rewards so you can earn points to go toward different prizes, so we are one step closer to becoming Disney fanatics I guess.  I was pretty excited when we decided to join the Disney club. I in general LOVE movies and have always wanted to start a Disney collection for our children someday.

One evening in April we had the opportunity to go help clean the Salt Lake City Temple late in the evening after everyone had left for the day. I was tired but it was a beautiful experience. They said how some people usually say there isn’t ever any dust because we clean every week and they said you should never wait for the temple to get dirty before you clean it.

Spencer and I occasionally like to find old computer games. So we decided to get Sims on my laptop and he played Sims 3 on Playstation 3. So we had our own little families, we kept that up for a little while. We also got Roller Coaster Tycoon for the computer to play occasionally.

On April 18th Celtic Women (the music group) came to Salt Lake and we were able to attend the concert. All the songs were beautifully sung and amazing. I was glad we were able to experience it. It really was a lot of fun and believe it or not it was originally my idea.

In May my best friend Suki was married in the Salt Lake Temple to Ryan. It was a windy day but such an amazing experience to share with them. Spencer’s parents brought a Disney puzzle to us from Disneyland, we completed the puzzle in about 2 days, it’s THEE coolest puzzle ever! Our 3 year old nephew Cache loves to stare at all the different characters on the puzzle, it’s a great way to keep him preoccupied for a while.

Suki & Ryan

Our Disney puzzle
The concert we went to

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Big 21! (For Holly)

Well we realize it has been quite a while since we have updated our blog so over the next little while we will add new posts for periods of time typically about a month or two long. We will start with March 2012.
The Nielsen family has been growing so it was time for a new family picture. This was mine and Rick’s first experience with a Nielsen family picture session. We were all getting togetheranyways for our combined March birthday’s. Stephanie on the 10th, Jerimiah on the 11th, and me on the 28th. While the whole family was together for the March birthday’s we decided to meet up with a photographer at Stansbury Park for the afternoon to get the pictures taken. All in all the pictures turned out good, the weather wasn’t too bad, and no one fell in the water so nothing to exciting or funny to report.

 On a random note the vacuum we had been using from a friend gave out on us so we got to purchase our own vacuum! Nothing too special but it works like a dream compared to the one we had before. It was time for the first one to retire.

For Holly’s 21st birthday present she got tickets to the Kelly Clarkson concert on the 20th of March. I myself stayed home, probably did some homework and watched TV, while she went with Channelle. THEE best birthday present I’ve ever received! Channelle and I had loads of fun and sang at the top of our lungs to EVERY song Kelly sang. It ended sooner than I wanted but loved every minute of it. Thanks Spencer!

We also made a trip up to Rexburg in March with the Peacock side of the family and Erin Valois. My parents stopped in Salt Lake to pick us up and we made the journey up for the weekend. While we were up there we drove around Yellowstone and also went to a Bluegrass Concert that an old friend of my parents was a part of, and Holly got fried halibut from Arctic Circle and found a new love. They really were delicious but I was also starving so almost anything probably would have sounded good. =] Before we drove back home we stopped by to see the famous “Snake house” up in Rexburg…. CREEPY! Pretty much it’s a residential house that was built right where thousands of snakes would hang out for part of the year, so instead of the snakes abandoning their spot the people ended up leaving instead. Spencer and I walked around to see if there were any snakes in the house but we didn’t see anything. We then slowly started walking to the back of the house and Spencer scared one and it slithered RIGHT in front of my feet. I jumped in the air, screamed and ran back to the car. The snake basically blended in to the dry grass so I almost stepped on it. Ewwww. It was pretty funny actually. As always when we make a Rexburg trip, thank you to Trulee and the whole Stocking crew for letting us invade your house!
Since I was about 2 my jaw has always kind of popped out of place depending on how far I opened my mouth. All because when I was 2 I jumped on furniture and fell one day and smacked my chin on a fireplace. My jaw popping out of place never bothered me until the end of March… it hurt SO bad and so I decided to find a jaw specialist. There were a lot of things they pointed out that I needed to do to improve my jaw. The main thing I received was a jaw splint which basically looks like a retainer and I needed to wear it every night. Oh joy! (since we are writing this in December let me update by saying my jaw is not in pain anymore and is in a better position)
This pretty much sums up our month for March 2012. We’ll be back soon with a post for the next few months!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

8 Months!

Well life has been quite busy lately with school, work, and church but it has also been great! Holly now gets to spend her Sundays playing with all the little kids in Nursery. It has been lots of fun. I have had to learn about each child and understand more about 2-3 year olds. The semester is almost half over! Amen because I miss my husband and I want him back! which is always a shock because of how fast it seems to come. I (Spencer) had my birthday a few days back and as usual I didn't tell many people, but its ok, thats how i like it. Today is the main reason for this blog post. Today is our eighth month anniversary! Its crazy to think it has been this long... makes me realize how old my parents are... Just kidding! kinda... Everyone was right when they said time flies by. So we try to make the best of each day and our parents are not old =p Anyways we started off our day by sleeping in until about 8:30, which I realize to a lot of people wouldn't really be considered sleeping in, but for me at least it was. Sleeping in for me is about 10am but I was excited for the day and I wanted to get up. We ate breakfast and watched the old cartoons Recess and Pepper Ann. After getting ready for the day we went to Deseret Book to get a puzzle and a few Church videos i've been wanting, while we were out we went and got some clothes for family pictures we will be taking next month. Which was a lot more difficult then I thought, we should of gone around to a few stores to compare but we got him a brown shirt and me a green one and then for our couple photo gray for him and a bright blue for me. I'm pretty excited =] I just love new clothes in general, some day I will have a plain shirt of every color. When we got home we ate our lunch Arbys, i've been wanting a chicken bacon swiss for like ever! and watched a movie I got for Valentines Day (awwww) Sherlock Holmes and we worked on the puzzle, it is 1000 pieces so it will take a little while, (the border was super hard, usually the border is my favorite because its easier) but we got some puzzle glue and a cheap frame so we can hang it up. Later on we went out again this time heading out to Sandy where we did some shopping and got a kite to take out at a later date, and Harry Potter Clue!!! More on that later. For dinner we went to Outback Steakhouse and used the gift card I got from my parents for my Bday. Holly pretty much ate all the bread they give you and she ended up not liking the pasta she got, which kinda makes sense, in the description it seemed very simple, but it had tons of seasonings that weren't to her liking. It burnt my throat I was a little upset but it's normal. So instead she got Chocolate Waffles with Vanilla Ice Cream and Crumbled Oreos and Oreo Cream. It was tasty. It was super yummy but by the time i got it i was already pretty full so we brought it home for later =]
When we got home we played Harry Potter Clue!!! Just so everyone knows it turns out Peter Pettigrew in Weasleys Wizard Wheezes Store with a Jinxed Broom, but we figured it out and saved Ginny Weasley. It has been a great day All thanks to Holly, my original plans were going to be working on Homework... which I will get done on Monday since I don't have school! Thank you Presidents Day! We really needed a day like today. Just go out and do things because we are in the house all the time usually and he needed a break from work and school. It was lots of fun, I meant to take pictures but itjust never really happened. We plan to do more things another weekend and for sure I will have pictures. I'm really excited for our plan to go on a extended weekend vacation sometime soon.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

End of 2011, Bringing in the New Year

Well it has been quite a while since we have been on here and quite a bit has gone on. For starters in August we had our reception in Tooele followed by a nice week in California at a Condo in Sunset Beach. It was nice to finally take our Honeymoon and to take a break from our busy schedules. And I got my haircut for the first time in awhile. Sadly it was quite expensive but oh well, it was much needed. We went to Disneyland one day and Hollywood another day along with other small trips and time just relaxing and hanging out at the beach. It was nice to explore California but some days were long and tiring but fun. Near the end of the week we drove to Palmdale and spent some time with my side of the family. My parents flew down as well to be there, which was really nice. We were able to go to Six Flags with my good friend Damien and a bunch of family. We had our reception in Palmdale on Saturday and then took off Sunday morning to head on back to Salt Lake so we could get back to work on Monday. Thanks to my sister Jessica for letting us borrow her PT Cruiser aka Walter.
September we both started up at LDS Business College again, my last semester. I also quit working at the Lion House to have Saturdays free to spend with Spencer, which actually has worked out great because more often then not we have been busy on Saturdays with all sorts of random stuff that would have been much more difficult if Holly was woking saturdays. Spencer received a calling as Executive Secretary to the Bishop, and I received a calling on the Compassionate Service Committee in Relief Society.

October was a relaxing month for us. We did have a goal to go out and try new restaurants then our normal Red Robin monthly dinner. Every month around the 18th we go out somewhere to eat as a monthly anniversary, for a while it was Red Robin, but changing it up has been great because I love Red Robin, but we knew if we went there monthly over time we would end up getting sick of it, and there are so many great places out there. Also for Halloween we decorated a door at Church for the trick or treat, Jessica and Jerimiah came and J had a good time with all the games they had for the younger kids to play.

November Spencer finished his intership at the Church Office Building and started working as an Accounting Clerk doing work for Family Services. 
My sister Stephanie got her endowments out at the Draper Temple. We had Thanksgiving dinner in Tooele, with my side of the family. Since everyone was going to be gone for Christmas we also opened Christmas presents as well.

December I graduated from LDS Business College with an Adminstraitve Assistant Certificate. Spencer has 3 more semesters left to go at LDSBC then he will be going to the University of Utah. I've lost about 20 pounds this year. Also my sister Stephanie got married to Rick on the 17th. For Christmas we drove down to California with Andrew. It was my first Christmas without my side of the family but it was a pretty darn good Christmas with the Peacocks. It was actually the first Christmas in 5 yeas that I was able to spend with family. We were able to go to the annual Peacock/Tan Christmas party, those are always a good time.

We brought in the New Year, 2012, while watching Netflix TV shows in our Pjs, drinking strawberry sparkling cider and eating sour gummy worms. That will be our tradition every year hopefully! =]
Dianne, Jessica, and Mike all headed up to BYU-Idaho right around new years, so we were able to go out to breakfast with Jessica and Mike and then later see my parents and Dianne for a few minutes. On my parents way back home we went for a late night Denny's run with them. Now my parents are officially empty nesters... well kinda they still have a crazy cat, and spaztic dog, and my grandpa living with them.

Life is cruising on and things are going great. I start school again tomorrow... and it is going to be a very busy semester, but like always, before i know it, it will be over and i'll be signing up for the next group of classes.

Holly's New Year Resoultions:

Be a better wife every day
Be better at keeping the house clean
Keep my credit card for emergencies only
Be better at saving money
Be healthy; exercise (that’s every year)
Find a full time job that I enjoy and that pays well
Say my personal prayers
And have personal scripture study
Go on lots of dates with my husband
Meet new people
Try new things

Spencer's New Year Resoultions:
Well... I guess i'm not very good about making new years resolutions. Maybe that hould be my resolution... I guess my main goals for this year are...
Do good in school so hopefully I can get a scholarship to help pay for my schooling at the U of U.
Find ways to magnify my calling at Church
Make sure I am doing my part to make the changes I need to in our Marriage.
Have fun and fall deeper and deeper in love with Holly!
Stay Positive

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One month and on

Spencer and I have been keeping ourselves quite busy. We have kind of a routine. We get up I make his lunch (I have found out Holly is much better at making sandwich's than me. They just taste better), then we read our scriptures. Then he leaves for work. I work out and get dinner ready for late then I am off to work. Then we get home eat dinner, then watch Doctor Who.
Monday is our Family Home Evening Day
Thursday is our Laundry Day
It works out great because we are able to get everything we need done and there are enough random things going on to keep life interesting. We do pretty good with shopping too, we plan out dinner meals and make a list of all the random stuff we need plus everything we will need to make those dinners and off we go to the store! We have learned a lot this past month or so and are getting better and better at shopping.

We celebrated our one month anniversary by going to Red Robin. That was one of the first dates we went on after officially starting to date. It was fun, we got enough food to eat as leftovers a few times. Our waiter was cool and I was quite impressed. We were at this small table connected to the wall that was definitely made for only 2 people. One sitting across from the other. It was quite cold in the building so we ended up both sitting on the same side, our waiter gave us a funny look when he saw us sitting like that.

This Pioneer Weekend I got off work and we went camping together for the first time. His parents and his sister Dianne came with us. We went to Antelope Island. It was super hot, LOTS of spiders, and gnats, but cool at nights. We had bathrooms and showers, and saw even some dragonflies. We played Dutch blitz, phase ten, and rummikub. It was quite ridiculous. That's all I have to say. It seemed for a long time like it was Dianne winning a game then Holly the next, back and forth with my mom occasionally winning. I don't think i ever won at Dutch Blitz (and we probably played at least 20 times) and I think maybe once at Rummikub (even though I totally would have won twice if i didnt show Dianne a move she could make, but i enjoyed more just being able to figure out how to put the cards down) When I got home I was exhausted!! I slept for two hours then relaxed the rest of the day. We were able to get our Netflix to work so we could watch Doctor Who again. We found out how many mosquito bites we have and got to use a real shower and bathroom! =]

Less than two weeks before we head out to CA! How exciting!!! Also Reception is coming up soon and I sure hope I can keep up with it all and we can get everything done on time and have fun.