Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spencer Charles Peacock

Holly being the wonderfully smart little lady that she is felt it would be a good idea for the two of us to tell a little about ourselves so that those who don't know us can learn a little bit. For those of you that don't know me, but do know Holly, by the end of this you may be thinking "Why the heck is she marrying him?"
I was born and raised in Palmdale California. For those of you who don't know Palmdale, it's in the High Desert about an hour outside of Los Angeles. At this point in time my family consists of my Mom (Karen) and Dad (Steve), my older brother (Kevin) plus his better half (Erin) and their son (Logan), my younger sister (Jessica) and her husband (Mike Hill), and my youngest sister (Dianne), and then ME!!! plus my much much better half and soon to be wife Holly Nielsen.
I have never really been a fan of most of the popular sports, I am a "Lakers fan by association", basically meaning I really don't care about the Lakers or basketball at all, but I have many friends back home that are die hard Lakers fans. One sport I do love is Gymnastics, starting at a very young age I spent hours upon hours on the trampoline, then found myself doing flips and stupidly dangerous stunts off of tables or whatever tall objects I could find around me, and now just on the ground. (Random Side Note: I have never broken a bone, but I have had quite a few bad sprains.)
I do not stress very easily, but there are certain things in life I take very seriously.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is my foundation.
I served as a Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Richmond Virginia Mission. Over the course of my mission, but specifically during the nine months of those 2 years I spent serving as an Assistant to the President, I was stretched and refined in so many ways that I cannot even begin to explain. My mission, plus the examples of my parents have made me who I am today.
I enjoy literature and writing, but it is nearly impossible for me to sit down and read a book. It's very difficult for me to keep focused. The only book series that I have sat down and read out of my own desire was the Harry Potter series. I don't care what anyone says, that's a great story. I have recently started getting books in audio form and I listen to them as I go throughout my day. I find a lot of enjoyment in writing when it is what I want to write. Thanks to Holly and another good friend I started my own blog (thisiswhoiamspencerp.blogspot.com) and also resparked my intent to finish writing my book (even though it will still take a considerable amount of time to finish due to how little time I have...).
As of now I am studying at the LDS Business College and living in Salt Lake City. Which is an interesting story all on it's own. Long story short, for years I had planned on BYU Idaho, then within a few months of the time I would leave for school BYU Idaho just wasn't feeling right anymore. My best friend is here at the Business College and from talking to him, and the feelings I had, I found myself here. And I can truly say for multiple reasons that this is where God intended me to be. I found my wife, I got an incredible internship, and the schooling is more focused on what I really see in my future. 
Life is incredible, I find the best in every situation and strive to always be optimistic. I am not perfect, but I have truly seen that life is too good to complain. Even when things seem to be at their worst, I can see the refinement of God making me a stronger person.
One last random fact about me... I am in love with an amazing individual named Holly Nielsen.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Proposal

I was at work, it was Valentine's Day, but no HUGE plans were in place. Then I got a text from Daniel saying that the ring had come in the mail. I had no real plans to propose this day, I had a plan in mind, but it would've been in March and I knew Holly was hoping for the ring sooner than later. Yes I was, I was impatient. I decided that today was as good as any day, especially since it was Valentine's Day. I was on chat with Holly while we were working and I said I needed to leave early to take care of a few things and I was gone. I kind of suspected something was up when he asked if we could go for a walk before FHE that night. Even when I had asked that question I wasn't entirely sure what I was going to do... Good to know you didn't have any HUGE plans planned out for just in case...lol jk Remember that part where I said I wasn't ENTIRELY sure what I was gonna do? I did have some ideas though. On my way home I walked around the area where I was planning on proposing, called one of my best friends Damien Baker to let him know today was the day, and stopped by the local gas station and got a pack of sour gummy worms I got home, got the package (which was huge for a small ring), small ring??? Compared to the box. Yes.
After doing more brainstorming I went to meet up with Holly at the school, she was still gonna be a little while so i stopped by Subway where I knew Summer and Daniel would be. They got to see the ring and I told them a little of my plan. Holly and I met up shortly after, ate dinner, at subway and I had no idea they already knew what was going to happen. I had no idea they had already known but like I said I knew something was up and took off on our walk. We ended up at the Conference Center fairly high up so we could see the school and much of Salt Lake in the distance. It was beautiful but such a long walk up those stairs after I had just ate. =] I liked this spot because the school is where we met. I figured she probably had a pretty good idea of what was going on, but last she knew there were some issues with the ring shipping. So she didn't know for sure that I even had it yet, I was counting on that fact to at least help it be a little bit of a suprise, but Holly is a very smart girl. Heck yes I am! =] We talked for a little bit, I pulled out the sour gummy worms and a CapriSun she had given me with a note on the back for my birthday that said something like "Wish upon a star." Sadly there were no stars to be seen yet. My wish was that she would marry me. I said some super cheesy lines and in all sincerity let her know that I want to give her everything I can now and forever. Which was so sweet and he was figiting around so I knew something was up for sure but I couldnt see a box shape anywhere in his pocket. I pulled out my phone and started playing the song we were going to dance to at our wedding reception. (We have since changed the song for our wedding reception, but either way it is still significant to us.) Marry Me By: Train Then I pulled out the ring, dropped to one knee and asked her to marry me. Nothing super fancy or ellaborate. She didn't say yes... she said something like "I will" but that was good enough for me. Later I felt stupid for saying I will, why couldnt of yes come out of my mouth instead. It was crazy that it all was finally happening and I was really nervous. But I knew what my answer was going to be ahead of time. =] There were lots of hugs and kisses, plus a few tears. A few? I think I cried a lot considering you have never seen me cry before BUT it had been a hard day (can't remember why) and had been wanting to cry since the beginning. This just was the last straw and they weren't sad tears they were more like relief and happiness.  We then took off to Family Home Evening where she was able to show everyone her new beautiful ring. Which I LOVE =] but I did feel a little bad about showing it off on Valentines Day when those that are/were single already felt sad as it was for being alone on Valentines day but Suki was SUPER happy for us and it all worked out great. I mean were still together aren't we ;]

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How we met

Technically we first met while I was helping Holly's roommate move ALL her stuff into their new apartment. I can't say I really remember her very much, but I do know she was there. I would like to second that statement. Suki, my roommate was the one that told me he helped her move in. I remember being introduced to a Spencer but not remembering who he was. But believe it or not I do remember Holly's dad. umm weird. I didn't even know that! lol Anyways...
So our next encounter is the point in time that I would say we first met, but Holly was off in some other universe so I guess this doesn't technically count either. My roommate Josh had invited Holly over to hang out and we all went down to the hot tub. I was not in another universe. Let's just say in love with someone else at the time or my mind was on someone else, not looking for anyone. But did you know that secretly while I was in the hot tub with 5 other guys I was looking at each of them and deciding if I would ever date them. You can ask me what I thought of him but I honestly can't remember what I thought. Maybe that if I married him we would have cute little red heads. It's a real possibility that went through my head. Heck yes we would/will have cute little red heads! 3 red head little boys to be exact! YOU WISH!!! Babe I know! Whatever... So yeah, whatever was going through her mind exactly we may never know, but personally I knew there was something unique about this little cutie in the hot tub. At the time I couldn't really tell you what it was, but there was something there.
Like a spark? lol jk That day is a day I won't ever forget but it wasn't the encounter that changed my life. The third encounter was on an early morning when we were both heading to class. We happened to get in the same elevator. Random Spencer Fact: I hardly ever take the elevator. Once again I was in lala land of some sort, maybe listening to music or texting. Then out of no where I hear this guy say "oh is this yours?" I turned around to Spencer holding my Caprisun he had taken out of my backpack. Which is another thing I wouldn't ever really do, but it seemed like a good idea. Haha funny. So being the nice person I am I said "I have more at home I could bring you one next time." He said okay and we went on seperate ways, but here's the thing I didn't have his number and I didn't remember his name. OUCH. Get over it! jk So here comes encounter four.
Now I do remember the Caprisun encounter, but honestly that really didn't stick out to me much after it had happened. BUT that Sunday night we were both at Ward Prayer, I was sitting across the room with our friend Summer and the whole group started playing games. I really didn't feel like playing and I saw Holly across the way talking to a few people. I believe I was talking to Courtney in our ward and her friend about the cute rainboots I had gotten at Target the day before. Courtney said how she had been there that same day. Then Spencer and Summer walk over to sit and talk with us. I honestly didn't know what to say because I didn't know him that well. It okay, because I jumped on the Target conversation considering I was working there at the time and Courtney was making fun of how "lame" my store was. Excuse me... your store?? umm babe you just worked there, I don't see you paying the bills to keep it running... Anyways... my place of employment. Better? perfect =] Thanks love. So we talked for a little bit and Holly and I ended up exchanging numbers so she could get me the Caprisun. Personally I think she just wanted my number :) Think what you want but mainly a promise was a promise so I needed to get you that Caprisun, maybe thenI could get rid of you. Apparently the Lord had something else in mind ;) lol jk on the getting rid of you part. It's okay because I had something else in mind too, and it has worked out great.
In short that is how we met. The end of that chapter. Hope you liked it =]
Spencer & Holly