Sunday, May 29, 2011

Some Exciting Wedding News and a Garage Sale!!!

May 24th I went to have my endowment interview with my Bishop. He and I talked about changing the wedding date to earlier. He kept reminding me that it was best to do. The next day when I looked at Spencer I knew it’s what we needed to do. For several reasons which don’t really matter except that I love him. We had been discussing the possibility of moving it up prior to Holly’s meeting with her Bishop, but afterwards it was pretty much set in stone. My Bishop said that we don’t need to worry about making everyone else happy as long as we’re happy. That was hard for us because we want to make others happy too but it’s kind of impossible to do. We made the decision and changed our wedding date to June 18th 2011. Now we didn’t want to stress out our parents and everyone else who would be trying to attend so it’s just the sealing that day with our families and then August 6th is still the reception. Yeah it’s unusual to have a two month gap but who cares. Spencer and I are unusual and we like being that way, especially together. I second the “unusual” statement!
There are some feelings we have hurt and caused confusion and we’re deeply sorry but this is what’s best for us. And we will be making decisions together based on what’s best for us and in the future what’s best for our children as well. I was dreading having to wait those two long months until we could be married because most of it was just waiting and waiting. Everything else is already 95% done. I am more excited and happier than ever! 20 days left to go =] Things once again are just falling into place and we know it’s what’s right. We are looking for a different apartment/condo that’s ready for us in June and that will be a good price. We have seen one so far and we LOVE it, we're just hoping he will pick us. We will sell our Seasons at City Creek contract on KSL, and we're confident we will be able to sell it. I can’t wait to spend eternity with Spencer and now it’s just around the corner. =]

May 27th through May 29th 2011. My parents spent some time with us after attending a funeral in Washington. We met up in Tooele Friday evening after Holly and I got off work and relaxed for the evening, had a delicious dinner prepared by Holly’s mom Chicken Pot Pie!! One of my favorites, it was good to get the parents and us together again, and talked about all sorts of random stuff. Early Saturday morning Holly and I went out to put a few signs up for a garage sale that Holly has been planning and preparing for all week. Literally all week! I didn’t realize I had that much stuff I didn’t need. I did really well and throwing away junk and decided to sell things. And I got so into it and it became SO excited to make money off of something simple as this. I was glad to have The Peacocks there to help me with it. It went pretty well, we had a T.V. out for sale with a VHS player so we were able to watch (more like listen to) (which was so much fun and made me feel like a little kid again) some classics while people came and bought some stuff, the weather was a little cold with some wind blowing so of course I had my heater out for some of it, but overall not too bad. The Portreys stopped by and we got to talk for a little bit, it was a nice visit. It was good to see them and of course they wore their matching awesome shirts just for me!! =] They have given me great marriage advice throughout our friendship. I thank them for that.
Midafternoon we pulled everything into the garage and called it a day. After taking a quick nap on the floor we all went to watch the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, “On Stranger Tides.” It was a good movie overall in my opinion. It had some good parts and I am glad I saw it but it doesn’t keep my attention enough to watch it in theaters. But Channelle is right Johnny Depp is pretty good looking. ;)
We got home and played Phase 10 and a card game called Dutch Blitz for a long time. It’s been awhile since I played card games so it was fun to laugh and relax. When you win your supposed to say Dutch Blitz or Blitz. Spencer said Dutch Bliss or Double Dutch and Karen said Dutch Boy. It was great fun =] It was so much fun! We also made a quick stop at a small market Holly used to go to and got Mountain Dew and Dr Pepper, we play the “JINX” game so we decided to treat ourselves. It was a lot of fun and all Holly’s idea. There was lots of laughing all night. I won in Phase 10, but we won’t really talk about Dutch Blitz… we were all very tired hence the laughing a lot about nothing and a certain person snorting a few times here and there, by the time we went to bed around 11:30, especially since we knew we were going to have an early morning. I needed to get home and work on my talk for Church and my parents were going to be driving home all day. It was a good week/weekend so far! There were lots of changes but really good ones. It is starting to be my little fairy tale. =]

Saturday, May 21, 2011


For the past few months we have been planning a suprise trip to California for my moms 50th birthday party. It took a lot of effort to make sure we didn't ruin the suprise, but we are proud to say it all worked wonderfully. We left Wednesday May 11th in the evening and flew into LAX and got back to Salt Lake Tuesday May 17th in the evening. We actually even discussed this trip before we were engaged. Random Fact: Quite a while back as Holly and I were getting closer I had the idea of proposing on the Santa Monica pier, but she is an impatient pretty little lady so instead we just went already being engaged. No complaints though. Andrew came as well and he was able to spend the week with his family. We didn't really see each other very much the whole week but that was kinda to be expected. The day after we arrived I wanted to get some tanning in, it was a nice HOT day! Which I was excited for since Utah has been having such crappy weather! Turns out I got BURNT. I wasn't even out there that long but such is life. So after that I couldn't go out in the sun much but it worked out becasue the rest of our trip there was pretty much windy (welcome to Palmdale) and cold. Spencer also took me to this store called Charlie Browns... Crazy awesome store!!! They have all sorts of cool knick knacks and old candy and new candy. Even a santa with a surf board!! =] I did get to meet some of Spencers friends and his old job and met his favorite dog Skye. =] What a crazy dog! (I second the crazy dog statement, but it was great to see her again.)
It was a great break from life yet it seemed to be very exhausting at times. We were technically the first surprise of the week. Followed by Dianne arriving Friday, then family pictures Saturday morning and a surprise birthday party for my mom. It was my first time meeting Erin, Kevin, and Logan. Logan is a hoot. The pictures were the first time they'd been together as a family in a very long time. It felt good to be a part of it. And we got a sweet picture of me doing a backflip over Holly! Well i guess we haven't technically seen it yet but i'm sure it's awesome. Holly seemed a little freaked out though... not sure why. Hopefully we will get those pictures soon =] Can't wait to see how they turned out. Spencer and I did REALLY good at not spending much money. On Sunday I gave a very short talk in Sacrament meeting, I had planned on longer but thus is life sometimes. That afternoon we went out to see Calzada and Desiree, it was so nice to relax and catch up, I just feel bad because we weren't really able to stay very long. I was able to stick my feet in the Pacific Ocean (Huntington Beach), scary! (She got a nice suprise from one of the waves too... hehehe wet pants!) We drove through Sunset Beach where we will be going for our Honeymoon! Before dropping Dianne off at the Airport in Long Beach we went to Jack in the Box. You get the option of curly fries (which are delicious) or their normal straight fries. Holly had a thought if those fries are straight then the curly fries must be gay. We had a good laugh with it. Also we were able to walk down City Walk (at Universal Studios) and see all the shops. I was thrown a Bridal Shower by Jessica, which was very sweet of her. It gave me a chance to meet all the ladies in Palmdale and for them to meet me. I recieved a lot of great gifts (yay!) and we played some fun games. We did recieve two pictures to hang up in our new house. One from Spencers teacher Mr. Calzada who did an oil painting of the Mount Timpanogos Temple, and a drawing of Spencer and I with a peacock feather from his friend Jeff. I had originally planned on both of these being a surprise for Holly, but with all the other secrets we were keeping I decided to just tell her about them.
All in all it was a fantastic trip, a vacation much needed from all the work drama I was dealing with. This trip brought Spencer and I closer together. We love each other even more now then before. I couldn't imagine my life without him now. Awww :) But I agree, we laughed a lot and enjoyed the time together and with my family. Time for life to continue on... woohoo!