Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One month and on

Spencer and I have been keeping ourselves quite busy. We have kind of a routine. We get up I make his lunch (I have found out Holly is much better at making sandwich's than me. They just taste better), then we read our scriptures. Then he leaves for work. I work out and get dinner ready for late then I am off to work. Then we get home eat dinner, then watch Doctor Who.
Monday is our Family Home Evening Day
Thursday is our Laundry Day
It works out great because we are able to get everything we need done and there are enough random things going on to keep life interesting. We do pretty good with shopping too, we plan out dinner meals and make a list of all the random stuff we need plus everything we will need to make those dinners and off we go to the store! We have learned a lot this past month or so and are getting better and better at shopping.

We celebrated our one month anniversary by going to Red Robin. That was one of the first dates we went on after officially starting to date. It was fun, we got enough food to eat as leftovers a few times. Our waiter was cool and I was quite impressed. We were at this small table connected to the wall that was definitely made for only 2 people. One sitting across from the other. It was quite cold in the building so we ended up both sitting on the same side, our waiter gave us a funny look when he saw us sitting like that.

This Pioneer Weekend I got off work and we went camping together for the first time. His parents and his sister Dianne came with us. We went to Antelope Island. It was super hot, LOTS of spiders, and gnats, but cool at nights. We had bathrooms and showers, and saw even some dragonflies. We played Dutch blitz, phase ten, and rummikub. It was quite ridiculous. That's all I have to say. It seemed for a long time like it was Dianne winning a game then Holly the next, back and forth with my mom occasionally winning. I don't think i ever won at Dutch Blitz (and we probably played at least 20 times) and I think maybe once at Rummikub (even though I totally would have won twice if i didnt show Dianne a move she could make, but i enjoyed more just being able to figure out how to put the cards down) When I got home I was exhausted!! I slept for two hours then relaxed the rest of the day. We were able to get our Netflix to work so we could watch Doctor Who again. We found out how many mosquito bites we have and got to use a real shower and bathroom! =]

Less than two weeks before we head out to CA! How exciting!!! Also Reception is coming up soon and I sure hope I can keep up with it all and we can get everything done on time and have fun.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Great Time For A Wedding!!!

As of today, June 22nd 2011, Holly and I have been married for five days! Really?? I swear its been like 5 months haha in a good way though =] It has been a fun and crazy adventure this past week. My parents were able to drive up here friday night arriving early saturday morning. Jon and Mallorie picked up Dianne at the bus stop (she came down from Rexburg) early saturday morning and drove down from Pocatello,while the rest of us traveled much shorter distances. At 2pm in the Timpanogos Temple we were sealed for time and all eternity. It was a wonderful and powerful event. We received a lot of suggestions. The end.
Afterwards we were able to take a few pictures with our small group and then take a bunch of pictures with just the two of us. With our awesome photographer Justin. I highly recommend him.
After pictures we met up with the family at Applebees for a celebration meal. Chicken Strip Basket =] My parents got a small wedding cake where I got frosting on Spencer's nose and he got some on my ear and we were able to relax and enjoy some time together with the families.

Monday we went on our first grocery shopping trip as a married couple! Awww so cute! haha we did really good thanks to some gift cards and money we had received from others. We also got a Playstation 3 and TV to complete the apartment, and thankfully they had forgotten to change the price on the TV so we got it for about $50 cheaper! AMEN Good thing we went first thing in the morning instead of waiting until the evening.

It has been a great 5 days so far, we both went straight back to work on monday since we already have our honeymoon booked for August, but its been alright. My employees keep saying, why are you here, shouldn't you be on your honeymoon? And I explain over and over again it was booked for August because our previous wedding date was in August. lol Our love grows deeper and deeper and we are getting to learn more about one another every day. Good or a bad thing you ask (about learning more about each other) both! =] But you love the good and the bad of each other. It's a part of marriage you accept it all! =]
Just starting our journey

The Nielsen Family

The Peacock Family

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Apartment!

We found an apartment! It's a nice little place far enough outside of downtown, but close enough to a Trax station so I am able to get to work simply as well. It was actually the first one we looked at. The owner is a nice guy, very honest, and I dont really see any potential issues. When we first called him it went to a recorded message that basically said if you wanna check out the apartment it will be unlocked during the day so just go check it out and if you want it fill out an application on the kitchen counter. So we did! And it works great for us since some of the ceilings are fairly low, but we are both short so no worries there! The past few days we have been moving stuff in and we are pretty much done. Holly will move the rest of her stuff in once she actually moves in. We got a really nice couch with a hideaway bed in it for a great deal, and we were able to meet our new wards Elders Quorum President (his name is Thayne), he helped us get the couch into the apartment. Luckily the couch fit in pretty easily I was quite nervous that it wouldn't. We don't have a washer and dryer, but we will survive. Here are a few pictures to get an idea of it.

The pole in our living room

The window between our bedroom and living room

Our storage room/office room

More to come later, my phone is being difficult.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Some Exciting Wedding News and a Garage Sale!!!

May 24th I went to have my endowment interview with my Bishop. He and I talked about changing the wedding date to earlier. He kept reminding me that it was best to do. The next day when I looked at Spencer I knew it’s what we needed to do. For several reasons which don’t really matter except that I love him. We had been discussing the possibility of moving it up prior to Holly’s meeting with her Bishop, but afterwards it was pretty much set in stone. My Bishop said that we don’t need to worry about making everyone else happy as long as we’re happy. That was hard for us because we want to make others happy too but it’s kind of impossible to do. We made the decision and changed our wedding date to June 18th 2011. Now we didn’t want to stress out our parents and everyone else who would be trying to attend so it’s just the sealing that day with our families and then August 6th is still the reception. Yeah it’s unusual to have a two month gap but who cares. Spencer and I are unusual and we like being that way, especially together. I second the “unusual” statement!
There are some feelings we have hurt and caused confusion and we’re deeply sorry but this is what’s best for us. And we will be making decisions together based on what’s best for us and in the future what’s best for our children as well. I was dreading having to wait those two long months until we could be married because most of it was just waiting and waiting. Everything else is already 95% done. I am more excited and happier than ever! 20 days left to go =] Things once again are just falling into place and we know it’s what’s right. We are looking for a different apartment/condo that’s ready for us in June and that will be a good price. We have seen one so far and we LOVE it, we're just hoping he will pick us. We will sell our Seasons at City Creek contract on KSL, and we're confident we will be able to sell it. I can’t wait to spend eternity with Spencer and now it’s just around the corner. =]

May 27th through May 29th 2011. My parents spent some time with us after attending a funeral in Washington. We met up in Tooele Friday evening after Holly and I got off work and relaxed for the evening, had a delicious dinner prepared by Holly’s mom Chicken Pot Pie!! One of my favorites, it was good to get the parents and us together again, and talked about all sorts of random stuff. Early Saturday morning Holly and I went out to put a few signs up for a garage sale that Holly has been planning and preparing for all week. Literally all week! I didn’t realize I had that much stuff I didn’t need. I did really well and throwing away junk and decided to sell things. And I got so into it and it became SO excited to make money off of something simple as this. I was glad to have The Peacocks there to help me with it. It went pretty well, we had a T.V. out for sale with a VHS player so we were able to watch (more like listen to) (which was so much fun and made me feel like a little kid again) some classics while people came and bought some stuff, the weather was a little cold with some wind blowing so of course I had my heater out for some of it, but overall not too bad. The Portreys stopped by and we got to talk for a little bit, it was a nice visit. It was good to see them and of course they wore their matching awesome shirts just for me!! =] They have given me great marriage advice throughout our friendship. I thank them for that.
Midafternoon we pulled everything into the garage and called it a day. After taking a quick nap on the floor we all went to watch the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, “On Stranger Tides.” It was a good movie overall in my opinion. It had some good parts and I am glad I saw it but it doesn’t keep my attention enough to watch it in theaters. But Channelle is right Johnny Depp is pretty good looking. ;)
We got home and played Phase 10 and a card game called Dutch Blitz for a long time. It’s been awhile since I played card games so it was fun to laugh and relax. When you win your supposed to say Dutch Blitz or Blitz. Spencer said Dutch Bliss or Double Dutch and Karen said Dutch Boy. It was great fun =] It was so much fun! We also made a quick stop at a small market Holly used to go to and got Mountain Dew and Dr Pepper, we play the “JINX” game so we decided to treat ourselves. It was a lot of fun and all Holly’s idea. There was lots of laughing all night. I won in Phase 10, but we won’t really talk about Dutch Blitz… we were all very tired hence the laughing a lot about nothing and a certain person snorting a few times here and there, by the time we went to bed around 11:30, especially since we knew we were going to have an early morning. I needed to get home and work on my talk for Church and my parents were going to be driving home all day. It was a good week/weekend so far! There were lots of changes but really good ones. It is starting to be my little fairy tale. =]

Saturday, May 21, 2011


For the past few months we have been planning a suprise trip to California for my moms 50th birthday party. It took a lot of effort to make sure we didn't ruin the suprise, but we are proud to say it all worked wonderfully. We left Wednesday May 11th in the evening and flew into LAX and got back to Salt Lake Tuesday May 17th in the evening. We actually even discussed this trip before we were engaged. Random Fact: Quite a while back as Holly and I were getting closer I had the idea of proposing on the Santa Monica pier, but she is an impatient pretty little lady so instead we just went already being engaged. No complaints though. Andrew came as well and he was able to spend the week with his family. We didn't really see each other very much the whole week but that was kinda to be expected. The day after we arrived I wanted to get some tanning in, it was a nice HOT day! Which I was excited for since Utah has been having such crappy weather! Turns out I got BURNT. I wasn't even out there that long but such is life. So after that I couldn't go out in the sun much but it worked out becasue the rest of our trip there was pretty much windy (welcome to Palmdale) and cold. Spencer also took me to this store called Charlie Browns... Crazy awesome store!!! They have all sorts of cool knick knacks and old candy and new candy. Even a santa with a surf board!! =] I did get to meet some of Spencers friends and his old job and met his favorite dog Skye. =] What a crazy dog! (I second the crazy dog statement, but it was great to see her again.)
It was a great break from life yet it seemed to be very exhausting at times. We were technically the first surprise of the week. Followed by Dianne arriving Friday, then family pictures Saturday morning and a surprise birthday party for my mom. It was my first time meeting Erin, Kevin, and Logan. Logan is a hoot. The pictures were the first time they'd been together as a family in a very long time. It felt good to be a part of it. And we got a sweet picture of me doing a backflip over Holly! Well i guess we haven't technically seen it yet but i'm sure it's awesome. Holly seemed a little freaked out though... not sure why. Hopefully we will get those pictures soon =] Can't wait to see how they turned out. Spencer and I did REALLY good at not spending much money. On Sunday I gave a very short talk in Sacrament meeting, I had planned on longer but thus is life sometimes. That afternoon we went out to see Calzada and Desiree, it was so nice to relax and catch up, I just feel bad because we weren't really able to stay very long. I was able to stick my feet in the Pacific Ocean (Huntington Beach), scary! (She got a nice suprise from one of the waves too... hehehe wet pants!) We drove through Sunset Beach where we will be going for our Honeymoon! Before dropping Dianne off at the Airport in Long Beach we went to Jack in the Box. You get the option of curly fries (which are delicious) or their normal straight fries. Holly had a thought if those fries are straight then the curly fries must be gay. We had a good laugh with it. Also we were able to walk down City Walk (at Universal Studios) and see all the shops. I was thrown a Bridal Shower by Jessica, which was very sweet of her. It gave me a chance to meet all the ladies in Palmdale and for them to meet me. I recieved a lot of great gifts (yay!) and we played some fun games. We did recieve two pictures to hang up in our new house. One from Spencers teacher Mr. Calzada who did an oil painting of the Mount Timpanogos Temple, and a drawing of Spencer and I with a peacock feather from his friend Jeff. I had originally planned on both of these being a surprise for Holly, but with all the other secrets we were keeping I decided to just tell her about them.
All in all it was a fantastic trip, a vacation much needed from all the work drama I was dealing with. This trip brought Spencer and I closer together. We love each other even more now then before. I couldn't imagine my life without him now. Awww :) But I agree, we laughed a lot and enjoyed the time together and with my family. Time for life to continue on... woohoo!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Adventure!!! #1

Holly and I have been on a variety of adventures together already, but this past weekend in my mind was our first real adventure that we planned out and went on all on our own. Yes it’s true; we’ve packed a lot in this weekend. We had other people with us for most of it, but it was us as a couple going on an adventure... I hope that makes sense.

It started Friday night when we went and picked up my sister Dianne who was in Alpine, Utah for the night on her way back up to Rexburg, Idaho. We decided to take her with us for the weekend and take her up to Rexburg ourselves. That was our plan awhile ago but we didn’t think it would work out…but it did! So Saturday she got to hang out with us while we took our engagement pictures. Holly's mom (Kathy), Chanelle Gilbertson, and Suki Krieger (the awesome photographer) were also with us for the pictures. Hopefully sometime really soon I will be able to post a few. I surely hope so, I can’t wait!
After picture taking Holly, Dianne, and I packed up some of Holly's stuff, since she is moving back out with her parents for a few months, and then we made our way out to Tooele for the night! Lots of fun, we kind of watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1 while we (mainly Dianne and Holly) worked on Registry stuff for the wedding. The longest frustrating process of my life!
Sunday morning we went to Church in Tooele and then hit the road for Rexburg, making a quick stop in Salt Lake to grab a few things. We made it up there in pretty good time and relaxed at Dianne's place for a little bit before heading out to my Aunt Trulee and the Stocking families house for the night.
Woke up early Monday morning to head back to Salt Lake because Holly and I both have to work today.
I am thankfully still alive after that RAINY road trip back and now bored at work, trying not to fall asleep.  BUT we did stop at Jack in the Box in Idaho since they don’t have any here in Utah... lame. Which I just found out they do but in like St. George, Utah

So there you go! Our mini Rexburg Road trip. Lots of fun and it all worked out great! Next Adventure.... most likely a camping trip with a few friends in about two weeks!!! We will see if it works out. I sure hope it all works out…we just need a tent and sleeping bags to borrow!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New things in our lives

A lot of great things have happened to us recently let’s talk about a few.
First we signed our lease for Seasons at City Creek, level 2, which is basically ground level but a little above. We move in around the end of August, beginning of September. It’s beautiful; it’s a one bed, one bath, and a den. It comes with microwave, refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher. It will be nice to have den for an office and hopefully there will be room for a guest if anyone ever comes to visit us. We are very happy with our place.
The location is great too, we may be spending a little more than other people we know, but we figure for the quality of apartment (it's brand new) and the fact that we are practically right next to the LDS Business College, and about a qurter mile from Temple Square, its worth it. Also from what it sounds like there will be quite a few other young couples so it will be a great place to get to make new friends.We got a car, Honda Civic 1991, my old car. Thanks to my dad he fixed it up for us. I am driving it mostly for now. It works out great since I live close enough to school and work so walking is no problem for me, plus now we will be able to go out on adventures!!! Especially camping! I can't wait :) I am moving in with my parents soon and trying to save up some money on a few things. One thing I will give Utah props for is their public transportation. There is a bus that goes from our school all the way out to Tooele only about half a mile from Holly's parents and both of us have passes so we can take the buses for free. This will help us save on gas money, plus it will make it quite easy for me to be able to visit for a weekend when I can.We are doing our best to get to know one another more and more each day. Life is sure an adventure. If I may throw a thought out there about something we have seen that has been incredibly beneficial to us... open communication. It is great for couples, but also for whoever you come in contact with. It isn't the easiest thing at times, but we have seen great blessings and strength come between us and also other people in our lives. We are getting our engagement pictures done by our dear friend Suki on Saturday (April 16th), we are really excited to see how they turn out =] I will be wearing suspenders and a fidora for some of the pictures... it's really okay though. I'm not the biggest fan of suspenders personally, but I trust Holly. :) More like you should trust Suki, her idea.We also got our condo place for our Honeymoon booked and ready to go. It’s in Sunset beach, CA by the beach. It’ll be really pretty, I’m excited to see beautiful sunsets on the beach and take pictures! Our reception will work out perfect with this as well, we will leave the condo the morning of August 13th and drive to my parents for our reception that afternoon. That's about it for now.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Holly Jean Nielsen

For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Holly Nielsen. I was born in St. Joseph, Michigan on March 28th 1991. I am the youngest of 4 kids. My parents are Steve Nielsen, Kathy (Tripp) Nielsen. Now the siblings oldest to youngest; my brother Jon is married to Mallorie and they have a one year old boy named Cache. My sister Jessica (Nielsen) Haworth, and my awesome 4 year old nephew Jerimiah. Lastly my sister Stephanie Nielsen. =] I love our little family.
We moved to Tooele, Utah in 2005 when my dad got a new job. I went to Tooele High School, our mascot the white buffalo. I was a crazy little kid when I was younger with dirty blonde curly hair and always tan. As I got older my hair turned to a light brown and I had brown eyes. I never played any sports and am not really fond of any BUT my dad taught cross country so when I was really little I would run some races. He also taught gymnastics and so I learned little things here and there. If I had to watch a sport it would be gymnastics. I can shoot hoops, hit a baseball, and run but I can’t really play the sports. I used to love climbing trees and getting dirty but not so much anymore. If there is one thing most people know about me it’s that I am ALWAYS cold. I can’t wait to get home to a warm blanket or my heater. It runs in the family. My hobbies are reading, singing, and watching TV/movies. I am fascinated by Unsolved mysteries (especially the murders, and no I’m not that weird), and psychology. I graduated High School in 2009 and went to BYU-Idaho to become an elementary school teacher…I was there a semester and changed my mind. I love kids but I don’t think I’d have the patience for other people’s kids. So then I transferred to LDS Business College to do Administrative Assistant Certificate. At this moment I have two jobs: The Lion House, as a banquet server and Conner Sport Court International, as a receptionist. =] I am grateful for both my jobs, and love them both! I should be graduated at LDS Business College in December 2011. Let’s see this is all out of order and random but that’s how my brain works sometimes. I have creativity in my head a lot of the time but don’t always get out the way I want. You will notice this by my blogs =] Not including this one I have 3 others, 2 of which I can share with you.
Let’s see other random facts: My favorite color is blue, used to be green. I love the colors in the fall but I think my favorite season is summer. Like I said earlier I love to read and sing. May I also add photography as something fun I LOVE to do!! I laugh a lot more then I used to and smile a lot more. I love to bake when I am in the mood to. I love naps and dancing around the house every now and then. I love converse shoes and dark blue flared jeans. I may be short 5’ 2” ish but it all works out. Lol I am a very picky eater but Spencer accepts me =]
I have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints my whole life, thanks to my parents! They are both converts and raised us in the gospel and I am forever grateful for having it a part of my life.
Next step in my life is getting married to Spencer Peacock August 6th =]

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spencer Charles Peacock

Holly being the wonderfully smart little lady that she is felt it would be a good idea for the two of us to tell a little about ourselves so that those who don't know us can learn a little bit. For those of you that don't know me, but do know Holly, by the end of this you may be thinking "Why the heck is she marrying him?"
I was born and raised in Palmdale California. For those of you who don't know Palmdale, it's in the High Desert about an hour outside of Los Angeles. At this point in time my family consists of my Mom (Karen) and Dad (Steve), my older brother (Kevin) plus his better half (Erin) and their son (Logan), my younger sister (Jessica) and her husband (Mike Hill), and my youngest sister (Dianne), and then ME!!! plus my much much better half and soon to be wife Holly Nielsen.
I have never really been a fan of most of the popular sports, I am a "Lakers fan by association", basically meaning I really don't care about the Lakers or basketball at all, but I have many friends back home that are die hard Lakers fans. One sport I do love is Gymnastics, starting at a very young age I spent hours upon hours on the trampoline, then found myself doing flips and stupidly dangerous stunts off of tables or whatever tall objects I could find around me, and now just on the ground. (Random Side Note: I have never broken a bone, but I have had quite a few bad sprains.)
I do not stress very easily, but there are certain things in life I take very seriously.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is my foundation.
I served as a Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Richmond Virginia Mission. Over the course of my mission, but specifically during the nine months of those 2 years I spent serving as an Assistant to the President, I was stretched and refined in so many ways that I cannot even begin to explain. My mission, plus the examples of my parents have made me who I am today.
I enjoy literature and writing, but it is nearly impossible for me to sit down and read a book. It's very difficult for me to keep focused. The only book series that I have sat down and read out of my own desire was the Harry Potter series. I don't care what anyone says, that's a great story. I have recently started getting books in audio form and I listen to them as I go throughout my day. I find a lot of enjoyment in writing when it is what I want to write. Thanks to Holly and another good friend I started my own blog (thisiswhoiamspencerp.blogspot.com) and also resparked my intent to finish writing my book (even though it will still take a considerable amount of time to finish due to how little time I have...).
As of now I am studying at the LDS Business College and living in Salt Lake City. Which is an interesting story all on it's own. Long story short, for years I had planned on BYU Idaho, then within a few months of the time I would leave for school BYU Idaho just wasn't feeling right anymore. My best friend is here at the Business College and from talking to him, and the feelings I had, I found myself here. And I can truly say for multiple reasons that this is where God intended me to be. I found my wife, I got an incredible internship, and the schooling is more focused on what I really see in my future. 
Life is incredible, I find the best in every situation and strive to always be optimistic. I am not perfect, but I have truly seen that life is too good to complain. Even when things seem to be at their worst, I can see the refinement of God making me a stronger person.
One last random fact about me... I am in love with an amazing individual named Holly Nielsen.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Proposal

I was at work, it was Valentine's Day, but no HUGE plans were in place. Then I got a text from Daniel saying that the ring had come in the mail. I had no real plans to propose this day, I had a plan in mind, but it would've been in March and I knew Holly was hoping for the ring sooner than later. Yes I was, I was impatient. I decided that today was as good as any day, especially since it was Valentine's Day. I was on chat with Holly while we were working and I said I needed to leave early to take care of a few things and I was gone. I kind of suspected something was up when he asked if we could go for a walk before FHE that night. Even when I had asked that question I wasn't entirely sure what I was going to do... Good to know you didn't have any HUGE plans planned out for just in case...lol jk Remember that part where I said I wasn't ENTIRELY sure what I was gonna do? I did have some ideas though. On my way home I walked around the area where I was planning on proposing, called one of my best friends Damien Baker to let him know today was the day, and stopped by the local gas station and got a pack of sour gummy worms I got home, got the package (which was huge for a small ring), small ring??? Compared to the box. Yes.
After doing more brainstorming I went to meet up with Holly at the school, she was still gonna be a little while so i stopped by Subway where I knew Summer and Daniel would be. They got to see the ring and I told them a little of my plan. Holly and I met up shortly after, ate dinner, at subway and I had no idea they already knew what was going to happen. I had no idea they had already known but like I said I knew something was up and took off on our walk. We ended up at the Conference Center fairly high up so we could see the school and much of Salt Lake in the distance. It was beautiful but such a long walk up those stairs after I had just ate. =] I liked this spot because the school is where we met. I figured she probably had a pretty good idea of what was going on, but last she knew there were some issues with the ring shipping. So she didn't know for sure that I even had it yet, I was counting on that fact to at least help it be a little bit of a suprise, but Holly is a very smart girl. Heck yes I am! =] We talked for a little bit, I pulled out the sour gummy worms and a CapriSun she had given me with a note on the back for my birthday that said something like "Wish upon a star." Sadly there were no stars to be seen yet. My wish was that she would marry me. I said some super cheesy lines and in all sincerity let her know that I want to give her everything I can now and forever. Which was so sweet and he was figiting around so I knew something was up for sure but I couldnt see a box shape anywhere in his pocket. I pulled out my phone and started playing the song we were going to dance to at our wedding reception. (We have since changed the song for our wedding reception, but either way it is still significant to us.) Marry Me By: Train Then I pulled out the ring, dropped to one knee and asked her to marry me. Nothing super fancy or ellaborate. She didn't say yes... she said something like "I will" but that was good enough for me. Later I felt stupid for saying I will, why couldnt of yes come out of my mouth instead. It was crazy that it all was finally happening and I was really nervous. But I knew what my answer was going to be ahead of time. =] There were lots of hugs and kisses, plus a few tears. A few? I think I cried a lot considering you have never seen me cry before BUT it had been a hard day (can't remember why) and had been wanting to cry since the beginning. This just was the last straw and they weren't sad tears they were more like relief and happiness.  We then took off to Family Home Evening where she was able to show everyone her new beautiful ring. Which I LOVE =] but I did feel a little bad about showing it off on Valentines Day when those that are/were single already felt sad as it was for being alone on Valentines day but Suki was SUPER happy for us and it all worked out great. I mean were still together aren't we ;]

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How we met

Technically we first met while I was helping Holly's roommate move ALL her stuff into their new apartment. I can't say I really remember her very much, but I do know she was there. I would like to second that statement. Suki, my roommate was the one that told me he helped her move in. I remember being introduced to a Spencer but not remembering who he was. But believe it or not I do remember Holly's dad. umm weird. I didn't even know that! lol Anyways...
So our next encounter is the point in time that I would say we first met, but Holly was off in some other universe so I guess this doesn't technically count either. My roommate Josh had invited Holly over to hang out and we all went down to the hot tub. I was not in another universe. Let's just say in love with someone else at the time or my mind was on someone else, not looking for anyone. But did you know that secretly while I was in the hot tub with 5 other guys I was looking at each of them and deciding if I would ever date them. You can ask me what I thought of him but I honestly can't remember what I thought. Maybe that if I married him we would have cute little red heads. It's a real possibility that went through my head. Heck yes we would/will have cute little red heads! 3 red head little boys to be exact! YOU WISH!!! Babe I know! Whatever... So yeah, whatever was going through her mind exactly we may never know, but personally I knew there was something unique about this little cutie in the hot tub. At the time I couldn't really tell you what it was, but there was something there.
Like a spark? lol jk That day is a day I won't ever forget but it wasn't the encounter that changed my life. The third encounter was on an early morning when we were both heading to class. We happened to get in the same elevator. Random Spencer Fact: I hardly ever take the elevator. Once again I was in lala land of some sort, maybe listening to music or texting. Then out of no where I hear this guy say "oh is this yours?" I turned around to Spencer holding my Caprisun he had taken out of my backpack. Which is another thing I wouldn't ever really do, but it seemed like a good idea. Haha funny. So being the nice person I am I said "I have more at home I could bring you one next time." He said okay and we went on seperate ways, but here's the thing I didn't have his number and I didn't remember his name. OUCH. Get over it! jk So here comes encounter four.
Now I do remember the Caprisun encounter, but honestly that really didn't stick out to me much after it had happened. BUT that Sunday night we were both at Ward Prayer, I was sitting across the room with our friend Summer and the whole group started playing games. I really didn't feel like playing and I saw Holly across the way talking to a few people. I believe I was talking to Courtney in our ward and her friend about the cute rainboots I had gotten at Target the day before. Courtney said how she had been there that same day. Then Spencer and Summer walk over to sit and talk with us. I honestly didn't know what to say because I didn't know him that well. It okay, because I jumped on the Target conversation considering I was working there at the time and Courtney was making fun of how "lame" my store was. Excuse me... your store?? umm babe you just worked there, I don't see you paying the bills to keep it running... Anyways... my place of employment. Better? perfect =] Thanks love. So we talked for a little bit and Holly and I ended up exchanging numbers so she could get me the Caprisun. Personally I think she just wanted my number :) Think what you want but mainly a promise was a promise so I needed to get you that Caprisun, maybe thenI could get rid of you. Apparently the Lord had something else in mind ;) lol jk on the getting rid of you part. It's okay because I had something else in mind too, and it has worked out great.
In short that is how we met. The end of that chapter. Hope you liked it =]
Spencer & Holly