Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Purchases

It's been awhile on posting again, life just gets so busy to keep up with two blogs. lol

I thought i'd update everyone on a few new things in our life. Baby Isaac is due in 3 days but hasn't made his presence just yet so we've just been waiting on him. We are so excited and ready to meet this little guy.

At the end of April we made our first BIG purchase a new car (or new to us)! It's a Mazda Protege 2001 for a pretty darn good deal. I've loved the car and we've given it the name Penny. I will put a picture below.

Tonight we will be putting an offer on a house in Tooele that we've toured. It's all exciting and a little scary. It has a BEAUTIFUL yard, a shed, a garage, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, a decent size kitchen and living room. And of course it's a street away from my parents which is nice because if they accept our offer we will be close enough to stay at my parents for a little bit while we fix a few things in the house. There are a few cons but not big enough to say no to the house.

We have so much packed up in our apartment, it looks so empty but it's exciting how close we are to finally be done and moved on to the new stage in our lives. The nursery is put together as much as it can be at my parents, I haven't taken any pictures of it though so you will just have to imagine it lol

20 more days until our 2nd Anniversary =]

Beginning of 9 months

Our car Penny (not a great picture)

One of our maternity photos, we can't wait!!

This is the front of the huose we are putting an offer on =]

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Massive update

Okay so this is all going to be from Holly and just want to catch up our blog then we will start posting either weekly or monthly whatever works best for us.

June 2012- Our One Year Anniversary! We went to Park City Silver King Hotel. It was a massive room with a hot tub, washer & dryer, two bathrooms, a big bed, nice kitchen, and living room! I also dyed my hair reddish this month.

July 2012- I am constantly watching Disney Shows, they are clean and I find them entertaining! I also took my friend Quincy's wedding photos. Nephew # 4, Mason was born

August 2012- We got our own insurance finally and it is pretty good insurance I think. Spencer got a promotion what a great man! Nephew # 5, Lucas was born! Our car was broken into (no broken windows) and nothing was stolen since I don't leave anything valuable in there but either way it was kind of scary in my opinion. We flew to Chicago to see our friend Steve Salisbury and rented a car to drive to Iowa to see some of my Aunts/Uncles, cousins & Grandparents it was a wonderful trip.

September 2012- We were back in Chicago and got to try Segways which were really fun, go on a nice walk, see The Bean, and go to the top of Sears Tower! It was a wonderful and much needed trip, sadly I did get an infection which had me indoors for part of the trip until I was better. We're having a baby!! I was very shocked to see 2 lines on the pregnancy test that I cried and then told Spencer the great news! We are very excited for this new stage in our lives. Our baby is due June 1st 2013. Later that month we went to Bryce Canyon with his parents for a weekend. 

October 2012- I didn't have us doing much this month

November 2012- We went to California for Thanksgiving and got to see our new nephews. We had a lot of fun as always with the family.

December 2012- Niece # 1, Jade was born this month! 

January 2013- We're having a boy! his name will be Isaac Charles Peacock aka Squirt =] We have decided to do Cloth Diapers so we've been slowly added more to our pile. 

February 2013- We gave a talk in church and got to meet Elder Dallin H. Oaks, crazy! Spencer turned the big 25! And I took some photography classes over a course of 4 Monday's. I passed the Glucose test!

March 2013- Spencer got me a tablet for my birthday! We got our Travel System car seat & stroller! We took our Hypnobirthing classes and learned a lot. Spencer got another promotion and we are forever grateful! I had my Salt Lake City Baby Shower, loads of fun! I turned the big 22! We got our baby crib! We got our maternity pictures taken by my friend Laura, they aren't done being edited yet but soon! 

April 2013- Spencer finished up another school semester, one more class left to take at LDS Business College. I'm in Month 8 of my pregnancy and all has gone very well, it's getting closer. 

There are probably a few things I've missed but I can't remember everything so sorry if I forgot something. Also I could put pictures but there would probably be too many so if you need to see them their on my blog