Sunday, January 8, 2012

End of 2011, Bringing in the New Year

Well it has been quite a while since we have been on here and quite a bit has gone on. For starters in August we had our reception in Tooele followed by a nice week in California at a Condo in Sunset Beach. It was nice to finally take our Honeymoon and to take a break from our busy schedules. And I got my haircut for the first time in awhile. Sadly it was quite expensive but oh well, it was much needed. We went to Disneyland one day and Hollywood another day along with other small trips and time just relaxing and hanging out at the beach. It was nice to explore California but some days were long and tiring but fun. Near the end of the week we drove to Palmdale and spent some time with my side of the family. My parents flew down as well to be there, which was really nice. We were able to go to Six Flags with my good friend Damien and a bunch of family. We had our reception in Palmdale on Saturday and then took off Sunday morning to head on back to Salt Lake so we could get back to work on Monday. Thanks to my sister Jessica for letting us borrow her PT Cruiser aka Walter.
September we both started up at LDS Business College again, my last semester. I also quit working at the Lion House to have Saturdays free to spend with Spencer, which actually has worked out great because more often then not we have been busy on Saturdays with all sorts of random stuff that would have been much more difficult if Holly was woking saturdays. Spencer received a calling as Executive Secretary to the Bishop, and I received a calling on the Compassionate Service Committee in Relief Society.

October was a relaxing month for us. We did have a goal to go out and try new restaurants then our normal Red Robin monthly dinner. Every month around the 18th we go out somewhere to eat as a monthly anniversary, for a while it was Red Robin, but changing it up has been great because I love Red Robin, but we knew if we went there monthly over time we would end up getting sick of it, and there are so many great places out there. Also for Halloween we decorated a door at Church for the trick or treat, Jessica and Jerimiah came and J had a good time with all the games they had for the younger kids to play.

November Spencer finished his intership at the Church Office Building and started working as an Accounting Clerk doing work for Family Services. 
My sister Stephanie got her endowments out at the Draper Temple. We had Thanksgiving dinner in Tooele, with my side of the family. Since everyone was going to be gone for Christmas we also opened Christmas presents as well.

December I graduated from LDS Business College with an Adminstraitve Assistant Certificate. Spencer has 3 more semesters left to go at LDSBC then he will be going to the University of Utah. I've lost about 20 pounds this year. Also my sister Stephanie got married to Rick on the 17th. For Christmas we drove down to California with Andrew. It was my first Christmas without my side of the family but it was a pretty darn good Christmas with the Peacocks. It was actually the first Christmas in 5 yeas that I was able to spend with family. We were able to go to the annual Peacock/Tan Christmas party, those are always a good time.

We brought in the New Year, 2012, while watching Netflix TV shows in our Pjs, drinking strawberry sparkling cider and eating sour gummy worms. That will be our tradition every year hopefully! =]
Dianne, Jessica, and Mike all headed up to BYU-Idaho right around new years, so we were able to go out to breakfast with Jessica and Mike and then later see my parents and Dianne for a few minutes. On my parents way back home we went for a late night Denny's run with them. Now my parents are officially empty nesters... well kinda they still have a crazy cat, and spaztic dog, and my grandpa living with them.

Life is cruising on and things are going great. I start school again tomorrow... and it is going to be a very busy semester, but like always, before i know it, it will be over and i'll be signing up for the next group of classes.

Holly's New Year Resoultions:

Be a better wife every day
Be better at keeping the house clean
Keep my credit card for emergencies only
Be better at saving money
Be healthy; exercise (that’s every year)
Find a full time job that I enjoy and that pays well
Say my personal prayers
And have personal scripture study
Go on lots of dates with my husband
Meet new people
Try new things

Spencer's New Year Resoultions:
Well... I guess i'm not very good about making new years resolutions. Maybe that hould be my resolution... I guess my main goals for this year are...
Do good in school so hopefully I can get a scholarship to help pay for my schooling at the U of U.
Find ways to magnify my calling at Church
Make sure I am doing my part to make the changes I need to in our Marriage.
Have fun and fall deeper and deeper in love with Holly!
Stay Positive