Saturday, February 18, 2012

8 Months!

Well life has been quite busy lately with school, work, and church but it has also been great! Holly now gets to spend her Sundays playing with all the little kids in Nursery. It has been lots of fun. I have had to learn about each child and understand more about 2-3 year olds. The semester is almost half over! Amen because I miss my husband and I want him back! which is always a shock because of how fast it seems to come. I (Spencer) had my birthday a few days back and as usual I didn't tell many people, but its ok, thats how i like it. Today is the main reason for this blog post. Today is our eighth month anniversary! Its crazy to think it has been this long... makes me realize how old my parents are... Just kidding! kinda... Everyone was right when they said time flies by. So we try to make the best of each day and our parents are not old =p Anyways we started off our day by sleeping in until about 8:30, which I realize to a lot of people wouldn't really be considered sleeping in, but for me at least it was. Sleeping in for me is about 10am but I was excited for the day and I wanted to get up. We ate breakfast and watched the old cartoons Recess and Pepper Ann. After getting ready for the day we went to Deseret Book to get a puzzle and a few Church videos i've been wanting, while we were out we went and got some clothes for family pictures we will be taking next month. Which was a lot more difficult then I thought, we should of gone around to a few stores to compare but we got him a brown shirt and me a green one and then for our couple photo gray for him and a bright blue for me. I'm pretty excited =] I just love new clothes in general, some day I will have a plain shirt of every color. When we got home we ate our lunch Arbys, i've been wanting a chicken bacon swiss for like ever! and watched a movie I got for Valentines Day (awwww) Sherlock Holmes and we worked on the puzzle, it is 1000 pieces so it will take a little while, (the border was super hard, usually the border is my favorite because its easier) but we got some puzzle glue and a cheap frame so we can hang it up. Later on we went out again this time heading out to Sandy where we did some shopping and got a kite to take out at a later date, and Harry Potter Clue!!! More on that later. For dinner we went to Outback Steakhouse and used the gift card I got from my parents for my Bday. Holly pretty much ate all the bread they give you and she ended up not liking the pasta she got, which kinda makes sense, in the description it seemed very simple, but it had tons of seasonings that weren't to her liking. It burnt my throat I was a little upset but it's normal. So instead she got Chocolate Waffles with Vanilla Ice Cream and Crumbled Oreos and Oreo Cream. It was tasty. It was super yummy but by the time i got it i was already pretty full so we brought it home for later =]
When we got home we played Harry Potter Clue!!! Just so everyone knows it turns out Peter Pettigrew in Weasleys Wizard Wheezes Store with a Jinxed Broom, but we figured it out and saved Ginny Weasley. It has been a great day All thanks to Holly, my original plans were going to be working on Homework... which I will get done on Monday since I don't have school! Thank you Presidents Day! We really needed a day like today. Just go out and do things because we are in the house all the time usually and he needed a break from work and school. It was lots of fun, I meant to take pictures but itjust never really happened. We plan to do more things another weekend and for sure I will have pictures. I'm really excited for our plan to go on a extended weekend vacation sometime soon.

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