Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Big 21! (For Holly)

Well we realize it has been quite a while since we have updated our blog so over the next little while we will add new posts for periods of time typically about a month or two long. We will start with March 2012.
The Nielsen family has been growing so it was time for a new family picture. This was mine and Rick’s first experience with a Nielsen family picture session. We were all getting togetheranyways for our combined March birthday’s. Stephanie on the 10th, Jerimiah on the 11th, and me on the 28th. While the whole family was together for the March birthday’s we decided to meet up with a photographer at Stansbury Park for the afternoon to get the pictures taken. All in all the pictures turned out good, the weather wasn’t too bad, and no one fell in the water so nothing to exciting or funny to report.

 On a random note the vacuum we had been using from a friend gave out on us so we got to purchase our own vacuum! Nothing too special but it works like a dream compared to the one we had before. It was time for the first one to retire.

For Holly’s 21st birthday present she got tickets to the Kelly Clarkson concert on the 20th of March. I myself stayed home, probably did some homework and watched TV, while she went with Channelle. THEE best birthday present I’ve ever received! Channelle and I had loads of fun and sang at the top of our lungs to EVERY song Kelly sang. It ended sooner than I wanted but loved every minute of it. Thanks Spencer!

We also made a trip up to Rexburg in March with the Peacock side of the family and Erin Valois. My parents stopped in Salt Lake to pick us up and we made the journey up for the weekend. While we were up there we drove around Yellowstone and also went to a Bluegrass Concert that an old friend of my parents was a part of, and Holly got fried halibut from Arctic Circle and found a new love. They really were delicious but I was also starving so almost anything probably would have sounded good. =] Before we drove back home we stopped by to see the famous “Snake house” up in Rexburg…. CREEPY! Pretty much it’s a residential house that was built right where thousands of snakes would hang out for part of the year, so instead of the snakes abandoning their spot the people ended up leaving instead. Spencer and I walked around to see if there were any snakes in the house but we didn’t see anything. We then slowly started walking to the back of the house and Spencer scared one and it slithered RIGHT in front of my feet. I jumped in the air, screamed and ran back to the car. The snake basically blended in to the dry grass so I almost stepped on it. Ewwww. It was pretty funny actually. As always when we make a Rexburg trip, thank you to Trulee and the whole Stocking crew for letting us invade your house!
Since I was about 2 my jaw has always kind of popped out of place depending on how far I opened my mouth. All because when I was 2 I jumped on furniture and fell one day and smacked my chin on a fireplace. My jaw popping out of place never bothered me until the end of March… it hurt SO bad and so I decided to find a jaw specialist. There were a lot of things they pointed out that I needed to do to improve my jaw. The main thing I received was a jaw splint which basically looks like a retainer and I needed to wear it every night. Oh joy! (since we are writing this in December let me update by saying my jaw is not in pain anymore and is in a better position)
This pretty much sums up our month for March 2012. We’ll be back soon with a post for the next few months!

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